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Recently me

21 Oct 2010

lef 1 more month~~ya~~

i hav bad mood....
but sometime my mood can put me on the top of the world~~
now,,,,here havin haze...
every1 seem like goin to sick...
me too..sore throat start again>>my fren wan c how handsome he is~~
conclusin~~the pic is very funny~~XD
nvm la~~haha

felt dissappointed on somebody...
totally different from my imagination...
all right..imagination juz a illusion..
now i reliase^^

last week have a quarrel with guy here..
the useless man shout at me..
thinkin tat he is very hansome...
but the truth is NO!!
but wonder y so many innocence girl fall for he....HERG!!

MY frenz....miss u guy a lot.....
especially..eileen + eve...
how r u all?

life is not so simple when all troble gather up...
but is simple when u learn how to get rid off the trouble~~
Juz b +tive ^^