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Recently me

1 Jul 2010

i hate tis feelin T^T

yesterday rain suddenly.....
n of course ....
i 4get 2 keep my clothes inside@__@ clothes all wet ady la>.<
i used my all effort to wash it n it almost dry ady......
bcos my stupid thinkin.................
i go n hang outside!!!
n end up today i hav 2 wash again T_T SAD!!!!
now Is my MoRal clAss>_<>
i countin 4 the date 2 GO BEK HOME~~~~~~
16 days more to wait ~o(+_+)v

miss u..............................
patience + caring = HARMONY =D

1 comment:

  1. Gambateh~~we support u !!!
    U must be stronger enough 2 survive at tt skool>>
    juz few months then after tt we can play n have fun@@@
